DSSS 0.72.1 released.

BCS ao at pathlink.com
Sun Sep 2 14:24:19 PDT 2007

Reply to Gregor,

> DSSS, the D Shared Software System, is a tool to ease the building,
> installation, configuration and acquisition of D software.
> 0.72 and 0.72.1 have been fairly tiny releases. 0.72 just fixed a bug.
> 0.72.1 is tiny in terms of changes, but the one change is big:
> - Now supports D 2.0.
> Note that 2.0 support is not extensively tested (my primary platform
> is GDC), but it did compile some simple tests.
> As per usual, more information and downloads are available at
> http://www.dsource.org/projects/dsss/
> - Gregor Richards

when is the scripting/output capture stuff coming out? weeks? months? minutes?

I ask because I'm hoping to convert a project of mine to use DSSS but I don't 
want to unless I can get some additional processing stuff at the same time.

Another issue/question: Can DSSS be set up to consider a particular file 
as a library? I ask because the project in consideration has a build time 
of about 3 sec for all but one file that has a build time of more like 30 
sec. (it uses lots of templates) I want to do full rebuilds every time, but 
that is not going to be practical for that one file. What I'd like to do 
is run a full rebuild of the whole project and do a partial rebuild of only 
that part.

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