Monster - a game programming language

Vladimir Panteleev thecybershadow at
Sat Sep 8 10:03:25 PDT 2007

On Sat, 08 Sep 2007 04:03:24 +0200, Tom S <h3r3tic at> wrote:

> Gregor Richards wrote:
>> Maybe he doesn't WANT non-Open-Source games using his engine, eh? That's
>> everyone's right.
> !slap GregorR
> An engine doesn't really have to be open source if it's well scriptable :P

If you statically link to GPL code, like the way you do with Monster (if I understood correctly, the script bytecode is appended to the engine binary), then you must provide the source code for the entire executable, which includes your scripts. This means that, unless you're able to completely separate the output of the "compiler" to a distinct file, all games created and distributed by Monster must be open-source as per the GPL license.

Best regards,
  Vladimir                          mailto:thecybershadow at

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