GalaxyCrusade, a Game+Engine completely from scratch in D

Extrawurst spam at
Mon Sep 17 06:03:31 PDT 2007

Alexander Panek schrieb:
> Especially interesting (IMHO) would be:
>     - build tools
>     - libraries
>     - build process including the libraries
ok, well the quick answer to that is :

- my own ( ) 
very simple D IDE
- it uses BUD for the build process
- ddbg for debugging

- OpenGL, SDL, DevIL, Ogg-Vorbis (thx to Derelict)
- phobos

so you see it is a pretty simple build process and regarding to the used 
libs it is also simple cause i just used some derelict bindings and the 
rest is completely handwritten.


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