GalaxyCrusade, a Game+Engine completely from scratch in D

Extrawurst spam at
Mon Sep 17 09:04:47 PDT 2007

thanks, i will read some former postmortems there befor i get startet. 
perhaps i will split it up in a real extensive article posted on my 
website and a shorter one where i break everyside down to just 5 points...

Mike Parker schrieb:
> Extrawurst wrote:
>> Bill Baxter schrieb:
>>> Looks great!
>> thanks a lot. i will forward that to the involved artitst ;)
>>> You should ;-) Go on more about how D worked for you, I mean.  And 
>>> also maybe throw in anything you ran into that was difficult.  
>>> Basically it would be great if you could write up a postmortem of 
>>> the project that focus on how the choice of D helped or hindered 
>>> your project.  Then maybe submit it to Gamasutra, or to the Game 
>>> Developers Conference.
>> well thats kind of a good idea. is there any formal spec how to write 
>> a postmortem ? i never did yet. or do i just write down why i did 
>> some central dicissions (e.g using D) and what problems appeared and 
>> so on ?
> Take a loot at the postmortems published by Gamasutra 
> ( They 
> all follow the same format:
> * a brief introduction describing the project
> * What Went Right section, with 5 items
> * What Went Wrong section, with 5 items
> * Summary
> If you are going to submit to them, that's the format you'll have to 
> follow. If you only just put it up on your web site, it's still a good 
> format to follow, but then you aren't restricted to only 5, or 
> required to come up with as many as 5 (depending on how you look at 
> it) right/wrong items.

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