GalaxyCrusade, a Game+Engine completely from scratch in D

Extrawurst spam at
Fri Sep 21 00:18:13 PDT 2007

are you asking me or walter?
for my part i will write a postmortem on the game project GalaxyCrusade 
when i find the time and it will pretty much be "a postmortem of using D 
in a game project" cause thats what i had to do in that project in the 
first place.


janderson schrieb:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> Extrawurst wrote:
>>> thanks, i will read some former postmortems there befor i get 
>>> startet. perhaps i will split it up in a real extensive article 
>>> posted on my website and a shorter one where i break everyside down 
>>> to just 5 points...
>> These kind of postmortems are extremely valuable. And they're great 
>> for me because I get questions all the time on "is D suitable for 
>> creating great games?" and then all I have to do is point to your URL.
> You should do a postmortem on D one day, or have you already?
> -Joel

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