OpenMesh 1.9.5 ported to D

Ansible notmyemailaddress at
Tue Sep 25 17:17:40 PDT 2007

Bill Baxter wrote:
> I ported most of the OpenMesh library from C++ to D 
> (
> It's not available anywhere yet, but it will be eventually, under the 
> LGPL licence like its papa.
> I'm mentioning it here now because I've just been lazy about putting it 
> up.  But if there's interest, I can work a little faster at getting a 
> project up for it on dsource.
> It's a 100% native D port rather than a wrapper.  OpenMesh is almost 
> entirely templates, so doing a wrapper didn't make much sense.
> --bb

Very cool!  I'm interested in doing some 3d mesh manipulation myself, 
and exploring D at the same time.

Here's a bit of an OT question for you:

I have a 2d laser triangulation scanner sitting in my office, which I 
use for work.  You can push an object through the scanner and create a 
point cloud that more-or-less approximates the object.

I've gotten interested in writing something to turn this point cloud 
into a 3d model.  I've done it in C++, but its not quite where I want it 
to be - it doesn't handle objects like rabbit ears or coffee cups - but 
as long as you want to scan cigars, you're fine.

Can you recommend a lib or algorithm out there for doing this kind of 
work?  From a brief overview of the openmesh website it looks like this 
isn't the kind of thing openmesh does, its more the kind of thing that 
openmesh is used to make.


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