D Installler

Lester Martin Sarah at ewam-associates.com
Sat Sep 29 09:07:18 PDT 2007

BCS Wrote:
Post the specifics and grant me a liscense allowing to host those batch files or write them out at runtime and I think I could get it done. It would use 2 different dmd installations because I can't get mine to allow the same dmd installlation to do phobos and tango.
> Reply to Lester,
> > Hello Everyone,
> > 
> > I am going to work on a d installer that installs D(dmd), A chosen
> > standard library(tango,phobos),and a build enviromet(dss).  This will
> > only work for windows because I don't have a linux machine.
> > 
> make that tango and/or phobos if you can. I have my machine set up to switch 
> back and for with batch files. I can post specifics if you want.
> > It will only work for Win98 and up and probably only for XP if the
> > features I am going to use are not supported in Win9x or WinNT with
> > version below current XP version.
> > 
> > If anyone has suggestions please feel free to email me at the address
> > above or just simply reply to this post.
> > 

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