D Installler

Lester Martin Sarah at ewam-associates.com
Sat Sep 29 10:01:41 PDT 2007

My tango doesn't come from trunk so I'll have a look at the files my compiler has for tango. Besides that everything will(hopefully) be taken care of.  I have a basic program now where you can install the dmd, tango, and dsss.  I am working on custom, full, and no net installation options.  Where can I host my project. I'd host it on my computer except that it everyonce in a while has an IP change so it won't be available at times.
BCS Wrote:

> Reply to Lester,
> > BCS Wrote:
> > Post the specifics and grant me a liscense allowing to host those
> > batch files or write them out at runtime and I think I could get it
> > done. It would use 2 different dmd installations because I can't get
> > mine to allow the same dmd installlation to do phobos and tango.
> >
> >> make that tango and/or phobos if you can. I have my machine set up to
> >> switch back and for with batch files. I can post specifics if you
> >> want.
> >> 
> Mine works with only one copy of dmd. As you can see the trick is to get 
> the configuration set in environment variables rather than in the config 
> file. It has the down side is that you need to run phobos.bat or tango.bat 
> before you can compile anything. Alternately, one set of environment variables 
> could be added to the default set for the system and then just have people 
> run the other .bat as needed. I's a bit inelegant if you are going back and 
> forth a lot, but it seems to work for the most part.
> tanog.bat
> set DFLAGS=-Ic:\include\tango\trunk\ C:\include\tango\trunk\lib\usergdi32.lib 
> C:\include\tango\trunk\lib\phobos.lib
> set lib=c:\include\tango\trunk\lib
> phobos.bat
> set DFLAGS=-Ic:\dmd\src\phobos\
> set LIB="C:\dmd\lib\"
> and the magic part: sc.ini (note commented out lines)
> [Environment]
> ;LIB="C:\include\tango\trunk\lib\"
> ;DFLAGS="-Ic:\include\tango\trunk\"
> LINKCMD=%@P%\..\..\dm\bin\link.exe
> You can use these for whatever you want.
> BTW I have only tested the tango side enough to known I can build a hello 
> world. But if there are any problems the fix should be simple.

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