Atomorun2008 Opensource

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips at
Thu Aug 21 18:48:12 PDT 2008

On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 12:49:36 -0400, Matthias Thurau wrote:

> Hello,
> As a Reminder: Atomorun2008 is a free 3D Jump n Run Game written in D.
> After a while and some feedback from some users in the last time, i
> decided to publish the sourcecode of Atomorun2008 under GPL. Frostwork
> aka Marcel Unbehaun released Linux and Mac OS X versions of the Game,
> too.
> So if you are interested:

Sorry I just have to ask, you wouldn't also be the author of Dear Camy? 
The reason is the sound effects are a little similar.

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