Fat Libraries vs. Programming Skills?

Adil adil.baig at aidezigns.com
Wed Jan 9 00:09:53 PST 2008

The link doesnt work

Robert Fraser wrote:
> Manfred Nowak wrote:
>> Fat Libraries vs. Programming Skills?
>> http://www.stsc.hill.af.mil/crosstalk/2008/01/0801dewarschonberg.html
>> -manfred
> As a current CS undergrad, I can say that I learned 90% of what I know 
> about PROGRAMMING outside of class (either on an internship, an 
> open-source project, or just messing around and being nerdy), and the 
> other 10% from two of my classes (one high school AP class that 
> focused on data structures, and one class on shell scripting and 
> practical computer skills).
> I think Java isn't necessarily a bad teaching tool for the reasons 
> they mention, but I think a lower-level imperative language should 
> come first. Java should be introduced after Smalltalk or something to 
> show many of the advantages of safe, happy, VM programming and why 
> object-oriented programming leads to good software design.

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