DMD 1.025 and 2.009 releases
nospam at
Sun Jan 13 03:17:25 PST 2008
Walter Bright Wrote:
> baaaam wrote:
> > 1) is there any up to date documentation for the way
> > const/invariant/enum works now ?
> Yes, click the links on "enum" and "const" on the documentation pages.
so did anything change in the behaviour of const/invaraiant ?
"Both invariant and const are transitive, .."
-> i thought this is not the case ? wasnt there too many problems with it ? i am confused and i guess i am not the only one.
> > 2) whats the use for the enum manifest stuff since it renders it even
> > impossible to apply visibility attributes to const of that style.
> > enum manifest consts are always "static public" as it seems..
> private enum i = 3;
this doesnt prevent anything from accessing that value of i. I testet it with dmd 2.009.
struct Foo{
private enum i = 3;
every other piece of code can access i through "Foo.i" .
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