The Cross Plattform DWT
John Reimer
terminal.node at
Sun Jan 20 11:23:54 PST 2008
bobef wrote:
> Manual port?! You guys must be really determined :)
> Maybe you can make the GTK port available to Windows too? It won't be that
> native but I think it is not a big deal, plus it supports theming which
> could be useful.
I thought about this possibility. It could work with some effort, I
suppose...but it would take reprogramming certain sections that depend on
non-windows features (X11, XRender, etc) and also working without direct
COM which the win32 SWT uses. It also would add dependencies like the gtk+
toolkit dll's and gthreads (and all the dll's they depend on), which would
meen added bloat. The linux version of dwt also uses many gtk/gdk
functions that are linux/X11 specific also (I think). In short, the win32
SWT seems quite closely connected to win32 (which is good for optimal
performance and interface consistancy).
So, I think it wouldn't be that easy. But, by all means, please prove me
wrong if you like. :) Can't hurt having a third port, although I'd be
honored to have you lend your skills to the win32 port first. If I
remember correctly, your skills are quite extroadinary in that area.
In summary, T\the advantage of doing a direct win port is probably less
bloat, more consistancy with platform, and being able to reference the
original 3.03 version of DWT as a guideline. I also think you will find
fewer people interested in a win32 gtk+ based version. For others, it's no
big deal.
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