"So You Want To Be A Programmer?"

JMNorris nospam at nospam.com
Tue Jul 1 23:13:22 PDT 2008

BCS <ao at pathlink.com> wrote in news:55391cb32ebb78caa9ac8a83e146
> One of the best classes I have taken was symbolic logic (Phil 202 IIRC). 
> I'll never know why that is a Philosophy class and not a math class.

The reason is mostly historical.  Logic has been part of philosophy since 
the ancient Greeks, but wasn't sufficienlty well developed to be treated 
with mathematical rigor until Frege (second half of the 19th century).  
IIRC, it isn't until Hibert that you get logic addressed as a fully 
mathematical subject.  Nowadays, both math and philosophy departments teach 
logic, though with a somewhat different emphasis.  Math departments 
generally teach it primarily at a grad student level.  Philosophy 
departments teach it at both grad and undergrad levels.


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