new static if bug Re: DMD 1.032 and 2.016 releases

Don nospam at
Thu Jul 10 00:06:22 PDT 2008

bearophile wrote:
> Walter Bright Wrote:
>> It's not a bug. typeof(X), where X is a type, is not valid D and never 
>> was. It was a quirk in the compiler (and a bugzilla bug report) that it 
>> ever accepted it.
> I did assume that typeof(x) == typeof(typeof(x)) for any x (value or type) (but it seems that semantic of mine was wrong).

Yup, a lot of us did that. Because it worked most of the time, except 
that atomic types didn't work (such as typeof(int)).
Fortunately, the fix is easy -- I think typeof(x.init) will always work.

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