DMD 1.032 and 2.016 releases

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Thu Jul 10 15:02:22 PDT 2008

"Tomas Lindquist Olsen" <tomas at> wrote in message 
news:g55q99$1r6u$1 at

>> I expect that a bitwise copy returned. Just like with structs.
>> What's the difference between char[2] and struct { char[2]; }?
> The former is passed (to a function) by reference, the latter by value. 
> Having a type that's passed by ref, but return by val, seems inconsistent.

Having a type that's initialized by value and passed by ref also seems 
inconsistent, as does a type whose .init is not the same type ;)

> Wasn't there plans to make static arrays value types? is this already so?

W mentioned it in passing but I don't know if it'll make it into D2.  Yeah, 
I mean all the const-correctness doesn't really leave much room for anything 
else, does it!  No macros either.  sigh. 

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