D Conference 2008

Brad Roberts braddr at puremagic.com
Wed Jun 4 22:20:11 PDT 2008

Brad Roberts wrote:
> Well, I've been more than a little lax in following through on my
> conference coordinator duties.  My apologies.  The good news is that
> I've finally got dates:  Monday-Wednesday, August 4-6 2008.
> First major todo, line up speakers.  So, if you'd like to give a talk,
> please send me email (braddr at puremagic.com) with a brief description of
> what you want to talk about and how much time you think you'd like (aim
> for somewhere between 30 and 90 minutes).

Update on the speaker front.. still need more, quite a few more.  If
you've got something you want to talk about, speak up.  If you have
something you think should be talked about, seek out someone to give the
talk and have them get in touch with me.  With out more speakers...
well, let's not ponder on that too much right now.

> I'm planning a similar format to last year with two days of talks and
> one day for collaborative development and/or open discussion.
> More as developments unfold.  I'll be putting up the registration pages
> once I've gotten at least enough speakers to fill a day to make sure
> there's enough to build a conference out of.

The website is up, though rather empty of the important content.  See
above. :)



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