Snapshot 0.6.1

janderson askme at
Thu Jun 5 00:18:45 PDT 2008

Chris R. Miller wrote:
> This is sort of an evolutionary release for the installer.  It also adds 
> some cool parts I thought were a little lacking.  Chris' DCode editor 
> won the bid for a simple editor to bundle in.  It's small and it works. 
>  What more could you look for?  I also added Bud, which should help in 
> making some older software work.  I also added DAllegro, and the 
> Allegro DLL files will automatically install to C:\Windows\System32 so 
> you don't have to mess around with all that rot.
> If there isn't anything in that list (DAllegro, Bud, DCode) that you 
> want, I wouldn't suggest bothering to upgrade.  If you want to try it, 
> it's available for download on the site:
> Also, I changed the downloads to mod_proxy pass through to a LigHTTPd 
> server, so downloads won't block page views.  It will also allow for an 
> infinite number of simultaneous downloads.  Well, lighty limits to 20K 
> people, but for all practical purposes it might as well be infinite.
> I hope you find it useful!

I like the simplicity of DCode for just trying small programs out.  The 
only real thing that bugs me with it is that it doesn't auto save when I 
press F7.


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