DMD 1.031 and 2.015 templates

Lars Ivar Igesund larsivar at
Thu Jun 19 02:25:18 PDT 2008

Walter Bright wrote:

> Lars Ivar Igesund wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Some new stuff to make writing templates easier.
>> (Wrong zip link ^)
>> Something broke, probably due to the fix in 617 and/or 1383:
>> Given
>> T[] layout(T) (T[] output, T[][] layout ...)
>> the following code
>> T[] format(T) (T[] output, Time t) {
>> T[] convert (T[] tmp, long i)
>> {
>>     return Integer.formatter!(T) (tmp, i, 'u', 0, 8);
>> }
>> return layout (output, "%0, %1 %2 %3 %4:%5:%6 GMT",
>>                             Days[date.dow],
>>                             convert (tmp[0..2],,
>>                             Months[date.month-1],
>>                             convert (tmp[2..6], date.year),
>>                             convert (tmp[6..8], time.hours),
>>                             convert (tmp[8..10], time.minutes),
>>                             convert (tmp[10..12], time.seconds)
>>                            );
>> }
>> results in
>> :template layout(T) does not match any template declaration
>> :template layout(T) cannot deduce template function from argument types
> Can you make a standalone test case, please?

The standalone test case works fine if I append 'w' to the literal, so seems
like that is a no :) However, prepending it with cast(T[]) seems to be an
acceptable workaround though.

Lars Ivar Igesund
blog at
DSource, #d.tango & #D: larsivi
Dancing the Tango

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