D programming language conference

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Mon Jun 23 12:51:48 PDT 2008

"Brad Roberts" <braddr at puremagic.com> wrote in message 
news:mailman.5.1214207467.32098.digitalmars-d-announce at puremagic.com...
> John Reimer wrote:
>> Hello Walter,
>>> is coming soon, August 4-6. Brad says we still have room for more
>>> speakers, so if you have a fun D project you're working on, we'd love
>>> to hear about it!
>>> http://d.puremagic.com/conference2008/
>> Last year Brad asked that potential attendees contact him so that he
>> could plan logistics.  Is this required this year?  Or do we just show 
>> up?
>> -JJR
> I'm still struggling to get enough speakers to justify the conference.
> So far, I don't have enough to fill the first day, let alone 2 or 3.
> So, please, if you want this thing to happen, find a topic you're
> willing to stand in front of 50-100 people talking about for and hour
> and and let me know what it'll be about.  Alternatively, find someone
> you want to hear from and convince them to do it.
> If I can't find enough people in the next 2 weeks (give or take based on
> the rate of people volunteering), I'll have little choice but to abandon
> it for this year and look at doing it some other time.
> Assuming this kick in the.. uh... assuming the conference is going to
> happen, I'll open up registration pretty much just like last year.
> On the good news front.  I have the videos from 2007 finally!  I need to
> watch them and get google video's to digest them.  This will take some
> time and I'll try to get it done asap.  My first attempt to send one to
> google looks to be a bust (2 seconds of gray != 90 minutes of
> presentation).  More on this over the course of the week.
> Sigh,
> Brad

Why not just stick them up somewhere, maybe as a torrent? I've always hated 
"video embedded in flash". 

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