Reddit: SafeD - The Safe Subset of D

renoX renosky at
Mon Mar 24 11:41:56 PDT 2008

renoX a écrit :
> Knud Soerensen a écrit :
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Clay Smith wrote:
>>>> Is SafeD just a label for the programmer selectively using D features?
>>> Yes, but it would also be enforced by a compiler switch.
>> Hi Walter
>> Would it be better to implement a general framework for defining
>> code constraints ??
>> See Scott Meyers talk on Generalizing Const
> I must admit that the presentation went way over my head, but I wanted 
> to add that those 'code constraints' reminds me of 'capabilities' which 
> are an interesting way to provide granular security.
> renoX

Just to explain what I mean for this, here's a video-talk about Joe, a 
Java's subset intended to enable capability-style programming:

The goal is is different but it's still interesting: if I understood 
correctly SafeD's goal would be to offer a Java-like safety, but even 
Java's like safety isn't enough to provide fine grain security so 
researchers made Joe a Java's subset for this.

So maybe Joe's design would be interesting as an inspiration to SafeD 
(and if it's too limiting, there could be several level of 'safety').


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