Fibers talk by Mikola Lysenko

Jarrett Billingsley jarrett.billingsley at
Sat Oct 4 17:17:01 PDT 2008

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 8:14 AM, bearophile <bearophileHUGS at> wrote:
> Mikola Lysenko:
> Very nice, few simple comments:
> - In Python you have yield, but it can also take parameters, so the two coroutines can send messages to each other all the time. I presume this is possible with those fibers too.

It's a matter of subclassing Fiber and adding whatever capabilities to
it that you want.  I think Daniel Keep did something along these lines
but I can't find any code..

> - A few benchmarks to compare the performance of fibers compared to normal plain subroutines (and opApply) can be useful.

They're fast.  Very fast.  But you're obsessed with benchmarks so
that's probably not enough for you.

> - If programmers start using fibers often, then can it become positive for the compiler to be aware of them, to optimize code better? (especially when they are used where they aren't necessary).

Yes, this was discussed.  If the compiler becomes aware of fiber
switches, it can generate more efficient code as it knows which
registers have to be saved or not.  It can also get rid of them
entirely if possible.

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