Tango heap is dangerous

Christopher Wright dhasenan at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 17:33:08 PDT 2008

Denis Koroskin wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Oct 2008 03:56:57 +0400, Christopher Wright 
> <dhasenan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi! I wrote Tango's heap implementation.
>> It contains a bug that will result in data loss under relatively 
>> common and hard to track circumstances.
> *LOL*! Why not just fix the bug and announce it so that everyone who 
> uses it would update thier Tango revision?

The way I wrote it did not contain any such bug.

> Besides, how long ago did you submit your code? I doubt that anyone is 
> already using it in some serious project (there was no release since 
> then, if I am not mistaken).

I'm just angry about my inability to change anything in Tango. I've 
managed to get one bug fixed after providing a patch. But I've asked for 
a one word change and had it denied after arguing about it for a week 
and providing about half a dozen use cases. Denied with some irrelevant 
explanation ("You're asking for struct interfaces, really" -- except I 
provided five use cases that that wouldn't solve). I've submitted a 
couple other things with code attached, and they got ignored.

I'm hoping that this gets taken care of. I'm not sure it will. But at 
least if I make a bloody row about it, it has a chance.

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