[OT] Re: Tango heap is dangerous
Nick Sabalausky
a at a.a
Thu Oct 16 13:50:58 PDT 2008
"Chris R. Miller" <lordsauronthegreat at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:gd5c52$18ti$1 at digitalmars.com...
> BCS wrote:
>> Reply to tim,
>>> I usually complain about news groups. I think they are so obsolete
>>> with web message boards aka forums. I was really annoyied to find
>>> that http://dsource.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=1 was closed down and
>>> replaced with a newsgroup here. It's a major step BACKWARDS into the
>>> past. If all this was on a forum we would not have to worry about
>>> identity stealing.
>> FWIW: I *never* use forums if I have /any/ other choice. And that
>> includes just dropping using whatever the forums is about.
>> If D only had a forum, in all likely hood, I would not use D.
>> If tango had a NG, in all likely hood, I'd be using it right now (I don't
>> for that and other reasons).
> What about mailing lists, such as Google Groups? They allow you to treat
> it as a forum or as a mailing list.
I truly hate mailing lists.
- Your email address is often posted on the web archive, and you can't
always opt-out of that posting, nor can you just use junk like "a at a.a".
Granted it's often in an obfuscated format, but it's usually such a simple
and standardized "obfuscation" that any spambot could be modified to account
for it in about two minutes.
- Impossible to do tree-views without resorting to tactics that would be
- Have to bother with registration. A mailing list could be made to allow
anon-posting, but that would be a bigger spam magnet than what at least this
newsgroup seems to be. A web forum could allow anon-posting with a CAPTCHA,
but I've never seem a mailing list do that (though it could be possible
through a web interface to the mailing list). And I'm not certain, but I'd
imagine you could probably make unauthorized posts by simply spoofing an
email address that's already registered (and obtainable from the archives),
instead of having to find a password or forum software exploit.
- Web archives (if available) aren't always up-to-date enough for web-forum
or newsgroup-style lurking.
- Like newsgroups, and unlike web forums, there's no distributed state for
"Which messages have I read" (Well, unless you use IMAP).
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