DSSS 0.77 released.
Bill Baxter
wbaxter at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 23:58:51 PDT 2008
Trying to build Tango 0.99.7 or latest SNAPSHOT source with DSSS 0.77
yields the error:
"lib\common\tango\core\Thread.d(547): volatile statements deprecated;
used synchronized statements instead"
Can anyone shed some light?
On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Chris R. Miller
<lordSaurontheGreat at gmail.com> wrote:
> Gregor Richards wrote:
>> DSSS, the D Shared Software System, is a tool to ease the building,
>> installation, configuration and acquisition of D software.
> More accurately, it's the build system that's lightyears ahead of
> everything else in the world I have ever seen.
>> DSSS 0.77, the "Oh, I assumed Gregor got hit by a bus" release, has been
>> a long time coming, mainly because my life has become substantially more
>> busy recently. The changelog:
>> - Rebuild: Merged DMD 2.019.
>> - Rebuild: dmd-win-tango now correctly uses -ltango-base-dmd
>> instead
>> of -lphobos
>> - Rebuild: Fixed a pipe left open in Windows.
>> - User -S and -I now come before system -S and -I options, so
>> users can
>> override system defaults more easily.
>> - Rebuild: Builds are run concurrently across all processors, or
>> any
>> number of processes specified explicitly with the -j option
>> (except
>> on Windows)
> Eh? Windows threading architecture and thread scheduler is more than a
> little wonky, anyways...
>> The major change is multi-proc builds. Enjoy it on your quad-cores, I
>> know I am. I intended to get so much more done, but ... well, this is
>> what I actually /managed/ to get done.
> Is it still just as delicious on dual-cores? ;^)
>> I'm running severely low on time (I'm now a graduate student), so I'm
>> looking for help. Anything from handling tickets to porting help to
>> anything else you can think of, I'd really appreciate.
>> As per usual, more information and downloads are available at
>> http://www.dsource.org/projects/dsss/
>> - Gregor Richards
>> PS: I'm still building binaries, they'll appear in a few moments.
> Gregor for the save! TY so much man, DSSS makes my life a zillion times
> easier. AFAIK we were still on 0.75 - so where did 0.76 go? Or was it
> the one you had in your hands when you were hit by the bus?
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