Revised RFC on range design for D2

Yigal Chripun yigal100 at
Thu Sep 25 14:38:38 PDT 2008

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> Sergey Gromov wrote:
>> In article <gbgpak$2q10$1 at>,
>> brunodomedeiros+spam at says...
>>> Also, some more on important bike shed issues:
>>>      for (; !src.done;
>>>      {
>>>          tgt.put(src.head);
>>>      }
>>> As a matter of coding style conventions, I would say that using the
>>> implicit property function call feature on a function that changes
>>> state is *bad* style, and surely hope the community would agree on that.
>>> So "" would be must better as "" as ""
>>> really just makes me cringe.
>> I think that property function call feature in general adds an
>> unnecessary ambiguity to the language.  I'd prefer functions to be
>> callable only with regular function call syntax, and properties be
>> usable only with member access syntax.  The same stands for 'unified
>> function call' feature: if you want to inject a method into an 'array
>> of chars' class you do so explicitly, and only the member call syntax
>> is allowed on that method.  Otherwise code tends to become ambiguous
>> and unreadable.
> Experience with other languages has shown that using identical syntax
> for genuine member access and member function access helps
> maintainability because it allows a type implementer to switch back and
> forth between implementing a property as a direct member or as a
> function, transparently to that type's use.
> Two nice examples of the undesirability of distinct notation are the
> std::pair first and second members in the STL, which made what seemed
> like an innocuous decision turn into a catastrophe, and also
> std::numeric_limits<T>::min and max, which partially prompted creation
> of an entire language feature(!).
> Andrei

I've got a few questions regarding this:
suppose D gets a specific syntax for properties like C# has:
for example:
class MyClass {
private int x;
public int X {
  get {
    return x;
  set {
    x = value;

wouldn't it solve the problem of the implementer switching between a
direct member and a function, transparently to that type's use?
In the above you could remove the data member and re-implement the
get/set by calling suitable functions.

my main question is of style:
is it better in your opinion to allow all functions with no parameters
to be called as "function_name;" (i.e. no parens) and if you need to
refer to the function identifier itself you need to do &func (for
example if you want to pass it as a parameter to a different function)
require an operator such as parens to signify you call the function and
the name without parens will just signify the function itself (so no
need to use &func when func is a parameter) ?

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