
Mosfet mosfet at
Fri Sep 26 02:58:28 PDT 2008

Denis Koroskin wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 00:28:02 +0400, Charles Hixson 
> <charleshixsn at> wrote:
>> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>>> "bearophile" <bearophileHUGS at> wrote in message 
>>> news:gbg5hu$189f$1 at
>>>> D1 + Tango with a different Python-inspired syntax; close to my 
>>>> ideal language:
>>>> There are just few things I don't like, but they are generally 
>>>> minor, and maybe the author can change some of them still.
>>>> Bye,
>>>> bearophile
>>>  "Python-like syntax"
>>> "Delight is intended for large projects with many developers."
>>>  Now that's hilarious. Good luck to him on that...he'll need it.
>> It looks like a very nice language, and there's nothing about Python 
>> syntax that makes it unsuitable for large projects.  But it does 
>> depend on GDC, which has appeared moribund for well over a year.

> I believe GDC can be replaced with LLVMDC when it matures.
That's the problem, I don't think LLVMDC will support as many target as 
GCC does. For instance I am interested by ARM platforms, does LLVMDC 
support it ?

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