Revised RFC on range design for D2
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Sun Sep 28 21:07:28 PDT 2008
Michel Fortin wrote:
> On 2008-09-28 19:32:43 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu
> <SeeWebsiteForEmail at> said:
>> struct S2
>> {
>> void prop(int x);
>> int prop();
>> }
>> S2 s2;
>> s2.prop = 42; // fine, prop is a property because it also has a getter
>> This solution does not require any syntactic addition. Its drawback is
>> that it makes it hard to define write-only properties. Are they
>> important?
> I think having a function returing *the same type* is probably too much.
> What about this case:
> struct S
> {
> string str();
> void str(string s);
> void str(wstring s);
> void str(dstring s);
> }
> In this case, you can only do "str = x;" when x is an UTF-8 string.
> Setting UTF-16 and UTF-32 would (sadly) require using the parenthesis
> syntax under your proposal. So I think you should not check for the
> return type of the getter, just if there is a function of the same name
> with no parameter, to determine if the "=" syntax can be used.
Great point. I think the rule suggested in my latest post convers this.
The rule was, if you can call s.str(s.str) then str is a property and
allows the syntax "=". After than overloading will take care of all else.
> ...
> Hum, and what do you do with this:
> struct S2
> {
> void prop(int x);
> private int prop();
> }
> S2 s2;
> s2.prop = 42; // legal or not?
> If it's legal, then I think it'll be used as a hack to do write-only
> properties.
It is legal because access check is done after syntactic check. (Also
Walter wants to introduce the fun() = void syntax to disallow copying;
that might be useful in this context too.)
> And also, if you keep checking the return type of the getter, what about
> this:
> struct S2
> {
> void prop(Object x);
> const(Object) prop();
> }
> Should "prop = new Object;" be legal or not?
Great question - quite an arrow in the suggestion's Achille's tendon.
Since I can't write s.prop(s.prop), that property would be ruled out.
This may in fact be a good thing. It would be nice to provide generic
code with the guarantee that if the save some property of an object,
they can restore it later:
void generic(Node)(Node obj) {
auto save = obj.indentLevel;
scope(exit) obj.indentLevel = save;
> What if prop() was
> returning an invariant(Object) instead (for which there is no allowed
> implicit conversions)?
Under the proposal entity.prop(entity.prop), that won't compile. (I will
note that invariant(Object) does convert to const(Object)).
> And what if there are two overloads for the
> setter: one with an invariant(Object) and one with an Object (mutable)?
> Are both allowed to be called with "="?
Under the proposal entity.prop(entity.prop), that would compile.
> Then you should probably disallow "ref" and "out" too in the setter.
struct ArrayAppender {
ref Array host;
void host(ref Array);
That should work as property, ain't it?
(Walter has introduced ref returns; I'm already working on an alpha that
has the feature. Of course I found bugs, too. :o))
> I'm
> not sure either about what you'll do once "shared" gets in the picture.
> (And ain't "scope" comming at some point too?)
Same test entity.prop(entity.prop) rules'em all.
> Also, what if one or the other is a static function?
Depends on how you call it. If you call it with an object in the first
place, it works. If not, it doesn't.
> And what if you
> have an invariant(S2) and prop(Object x) is accessible (because it is
> invariant) while prop() is not (because not invariant), should the "="
> syntax apply anyway?
> ...
> Basically what I want to illustrate is that another drawback of this
> solution is that it will probably not be as straitforward to define, and
> then understand, as it seem at first glance.
I think it is very easy to define and moderately hard to implement.
> The current syntax, with all its drawbacks, has the advantage of being
> very easy to understand: using "=" works all the time and it's the
> caller's responsibility to use the syntax which express better what he
> is doing. Personally, I have no problem with that.
I'm not crazy about the syntax, but if it has notable advantages, sure.
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