dmd 2.029 release [OT]

BCS none at
Sat Apr 25 13:39:35 PDT 2009

Hello Nick,

>> I guess if you really hate having it not kill the app then the
>> program could just not /have/ a x button.
> You've got to be kidding me, that would be just as bad. Why would I
> want to have a program get rid of the standard "exit" mechanism?

If you basicly never want to exit it? (see below)

> Whever I come across an app like that, the first thing I do is open
> the task manager and kill it, and then immediately uninstall it.

I'll grant there are only very few cases where I want it, but in those cases 
I wouldn't have the program at all unless I wanted it running *all the time*. 
If I found myself killing/restarting the program more than rarely, I'd git 
rid of it and find one I don't have to do that with. For those apps, I basically 
never want to actually close them (even less often than I reboot) and on 
the few occasions when I do, I'm willing to do file->exit->"Yes I really 
do" sequence.

As an example of a program that works this way that I'll bet you don't mind: 
The volume control in the system tray. I'm not even sure if there /is/ a 
way to close it all the way.

To put it objectively: say the program take 10 sec to reload and 90% of the 
time (I'd bet that's low) that I click the x button, it was a mistake (bad 
mouse control, reflex "go way action", whatever). From that it can take 90 
seconds to close the program before tuning off the x button is a net loss 
(as long as it's easy to figure out how to really kill it).

We may have to agree to disagree; I use a few programs where having the x 
button kill them would be a bad thing IMHO. You disagreeing really doesn't 
matter to me. 

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