Evanescent v0.1 released

Uwe Keller uwe.keller at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 01:23:17 PDT 2009

Hi all, 

I am happy to announce the first release of the evanescent project. 

evanescent is a collection of tools for reasoning in propositional logic and provides implementations of inference engines in the D programming language.

The project is meant to be

    * a useful library for reasoning with propositional logic supporting various computational problems (e.g. SAT) and various algorithms for these problems.
    * a collection of efficient implementations based on state-of-the-art techniques
    * a platform for experiments with novel algorithms and implementation techniques
    * a stress test for the D programming language that allows to evaluate how suitable D is for developing high performance inference engines for hard computational problems 

Bottom line: no toy implementations; instead, we aim at building efficient tools that are able to deal with realistic problems found in industrial applications. 

Further, we include some demo application showchasing the wide applicability of propositional logic in computer science 

The released version 0.1 includes:

 - deescover v0.1:  a fast conflict-driven SAT solver
 - deescoverSUDOKU v0.1: a fast SUDOKU solver based on deescover v0.1
 - Some examples that allow to test both solvers

Some first performance measurements for deescover have been done and are available at the deescover section of the project website.

For more information and download please look at: 


Try it out! 

We are happy to receive any sort of feedback. 


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