QtD 0.1 is out!

Eldar Insafutdinov e.insafutdinov at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 12:48:07 PST 2009

Bill Baxter Wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 5:00 AM, Eldar Insafutdinov
> <e.insafutdinov at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Bill Baxter Wrote:
> >
> >> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 4:22 AM, Eldar Insafutdinov
> >> <e.insafutdinov at gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > Can somebody help me with exporting functions from a DLL? I am defining functions in C++ like
> >> > extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void* __qtd_QObject_QObject_QObject(args)
> >> > After compiling a DLL with MINGW and producing a lib file for it with implib I am trying to use them from D.
> >> > In D I declare them as
> >> > extern (C) void* __qtd_QObject_QObject_QObject(args);
> >> > And then compile it and link it to the .lib file made by implib for that DLL, but optlink complains that symbol is undefined. I tried to use that Cfunction from C++ and it worked. What I can do?
> >> >
> >>
> >> What's the implib command you're using?  Often you need to use the /system flag.
> >>
> >> --bb
> >
> > okay, second problem then - I need to be able to call extern (C) functions defined in D code from DLL. I tried to do getProcAddress(NULL, "__some_D_func");
> > but this doesn't work.
> I think you may have to write some code to explicitly register your D
> functions with the DLL.
> You could write a mini getDCodeProcAddress kind of thing in your D
> code.  Then give a pointer to that function to the C code in the DLL
> at startup.  Then C code uses getDCodeProcAddress from there.
> Maybe there's an easier way, but that's what I'd try.
> --bb

This way won't really work because there are dozens of such a functions - that's for virtual dispatch. I have just solved it by declaring functions "export extern (C)" and adding "_" prefix to function name when calling GetProcAddress. So technically there are no issues to make qtd working on windows!

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