Just one more thing...

grauzone none at example.net
Sat Feb 14 13:47:58 PST 2009

This is what D actually needs: improving the tool-chain, fixing bugs, 
supporting additional architectures...

Sure, the language itself and the standard library still need a lot of work.

But D would already be quite usable, if only the compiler wouldn't choke 
up on circular module dependencies all the time, or if OPTLINK.EXE 
wouldn't keep crashing for no reasons, and all that. I understand that 
fixing bugs isn't all that simple or even gratifying, but having a 
stable and robust tool-chain is the most important things of all.

(Note: this is IMO one of the reasons, why C is still used, even for new 

So I'm really happy to see that you take the time to address tool-chain 
issues. Good going!

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