Descent 0.5.3 released

Jacob Carlborg doobnet at
Thu Jan 1 04:11:55 PST 2009

Ary Borenszweig wrote:
> Ary Borenszweig escribió:
>> Ary Borenszweig escribió:
>>> The Descent plugin for Eclipse provides an IDE for writing, launching 
>>> and debugging code in D.
>> Thank you all for the feedback!
>> I just uploaded a new release (
> Ok, I promise this is the last one in this year.
> I just uploaded another release ( which adds some kind of 
> support for autocompletion, go-to-definition and semantic highlighting 
> inside templates. It is far from perfect, but comparing this to nothing 
> I think it's ok. This release also has an option to not insert 
> completion proposals when a dot is typed (as was suggested by Jacob 
> Carlborg).

Almost there. When pressing dot the second time the cursor is moved back 
one letter and ends up between the two dots instead of after the second dot.

> I also changed the Eclipse Update site to this one:
> So beware that you won't be able to update this time from the update 
> manager, but you can uninstall the previous one and add this as a new 
> update site.
> Happy new year!
> Ary

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