Descent 0.5.4 released

Ary Borenszweig ary at
Wed Jan 28 07:43:46 PST 2009

Daniel Keep wrote:
> Ary Borenszweig wrote:
>> [snip]
>> Wow! Thanks for the joyful answer, Daniel. :-)
>> The attachment you sent doesn't compile, it gives a syntax error in the
>> mixed content for the IsExpression (only a type is allowed, not
>> "this."). Anyway, I'll change the
>> "!descent.core.dom.CompilationUnit at 17c858d" message to something like
>> "Module foo has syntax or semantic errors due to mixins".
> Cool.  Can I make one other inquiry?  Is it possible to get the CT
> window to not scroll back to the top every time the source file changes?
>  I've just been using it to debug a mixin (oh God I love this SO MUCH)
> and I had to keep scrolling down every time I changed something.
> Even if I had to manually pin the window, or specify which part of the
> code to view the CT for, it'd really improve the feature.


Just update to the newer version (

(Yeah, it bothered me too. Now it always maintains the scroll, unless 
you switch to editing another module)

>   -- Daniel

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