dmd 1.046 and 2.031 releases

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Tue Jul 7 12:53:26 PDT 2009

Andrei Alexandrescu:
> How often did you encounter that issue?

Please, let's be serious, and let's stop adding special cases to D, or they will kill the language.
Lately I have seen too many special cases.
For example the current design of the rules of integral seems bad. It has bugs and special cases from the start.
The .. used in case is another special case, even if Andrei is blind regarding that, and doesn't see its problem.
Why for a change people here stop implementing things, and start implementing a feature only after 55-60+% of the people think it's a good idea?
Languages like C# and Scala show several features good to be copied, let's copy them, and let's not add any more half-backed things. Before adding a feature X let's discuss them, let's create a forum or place to keep a thred for each feature plus a wiki-based text of the best solution found, etc. If not enough people like a solution then let's not add it. Better not having a feature than having a bad one, see Python that even today misses basic things like a switch/case.


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