C++0x Concepts - Dead?

bearophile bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Tue Jul 14 05:18:49 PDT 2009

Christian Kamm:
> This seems to be the relevant pre-Frankfurt text:
> http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2009/n2893.pdf

>C++ as a language has competition -- from high-level runtimes such as JavaScript, .NET etc; from hardware such as graphics accelerators; and from C and Objective C.  Ideally, the pace of overall C++ feature development should be such as to maintain C++’s competitive position against such alternatives.<

Despite the performance of the Chrome V8 JS JIT, JavaScript isn't much a competitor to C++, they have different purposes and kind of programmers.

And graphics accelerators do little by themselves, they are there to be used from C++ too, if for example C++ improves its support for OpenCL and similar things.

"C++ feature development" sounds a little scary if you think about the too much complex implementation of lambda functions in C++0x... (And such kind of "developments" will not help C++0x face any competition from JavaScript, it's like nailing a second bigger cannon on a large tank to help it fight better against an infestation of mice).


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