C++0x Concepts - Dead?

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Fri Jul 17 21:31:59 PDT 2009

Walter Bright wrote:
> BLS wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> BLS wrote:
>>>> ("more intuitive than" is not ..ahem.. is not a good enough reason)
>>> I think it is a very good reason. Of course, we can argue about if it 
>>> is actually intuitive or not.
>> ok. but that's only  eye candy, no ?
> Intuitive has a lot of benefits:
> 1. easy to learn
> 2. easy to use correctly
> 3. easy to spot mistakes
> 4. makes code look more attractive
> 5. less intimidating
> I once drove a tractor that you stepped on the gas to stop it, and 
> released the pedal to get it to go. I nearly drove the thing through the 
> owner's boat. Missed it by about an inch.

On a visit to London, there was a guy in a very circulated pedestrian 
area downtown who challenged people to ride a bicycle that had reverted 
steering - you'd have to turn the steering to the left to veer right. 
He'd challenge people 5 pounds to only ride the bike straight for a few 
yards (no need to even pedal, just push it once). He'd demonstrate how 
to do it first.

He made $35 only as I ate a pizza watching.


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