ACCU 2010 Call for Papers
Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at
Mon Jul 20 18:35:09 PDT 2009
On 2009-07-20 17:30:19 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu
<SeeWebsiteForEmail at> said:
> * Talking about a particular library or framework is always very
> popular. Example: "Dux: A High-Performance
> windowing/building/constraint
> solving/matrix/math/logging/networking/persistence/you got the idea
> library for D"
I've been wondering if a talk about how I built a bridge between D and
Objective-C would be interesting: an explanation of how each successive
template layer improves on the previous one, working for making it easy
and safe to use at the end. Since the bridge is all written in D, it'd
be a showcase for D templates and mixins, and for the limited
compile-time reflexion from D1 that's needed. It'd also be an
introduction to the Objective-C runtime and how two languages can be
made to pass objects and throw exceptions at each other seamlessly. All
this in one package (but is 90 minutes enough?).
That said, even if it's an interesting subject, I'm not sure I'm fluent
enough in english, and I'm not much interested in defraying the cost to
go there either, and I'm not sure of how much time I'll have to prepare
Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at
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