Just one more thing...

Max Samukha samukha at voliacable.com.removethis
Tue Mar 3 01:52:30 PST 2009

On Tue, 03 Mar 2009 20:05:28 +1100, Daniel Keep
<daniel.keep.lists at gmail.com> wrote:

>Bill Baxter wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Daniel Keep
>> <daniel.keep.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Frits van Bommel wrote:
>>>> Sean Kelly wrote:
>>>>> Daniel Keep wrote:
>>>>>> extern(C) void __identifier("blah$UNIX2003")(int);
>>>>> That would be awesome.
>>>>>> A beneficial side-effect is that I can finally get rid of all those
>>>>>> mixins that are just doing this:
>>>>>> mixin(`void `~name_of_fn~`(int a)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>     // ... rest of function ...
>>>>>> }`);
>> I'm sure you've thought of this, so why can you not do
>>    mixin(`void `~name_of_fn~`(int a) { implementation_of_function(a); }`);
>> or
>>    mixin(`alias implementation_of_function `~name_of_fn~`);
>Simple enough to break:
>mixin(Property("foo", int));
>mixin(Property("bar", float));
>You can't use alias.  You have to have some way of generating unique
>symbol names in a context you don't have any control over. 

As of 1.039, it seems to be possible to generate unique symbols in a
reasonable way (not well tested):

template UniqueAlias(string member, string idName, int id = 0)
    static if (is(typeof(mixin("this." ~ idName ~ ToString!(id)))))
        mixin UniqueAlias!(member, idName, id + 1);
        mixin("alias " ~ member ~ " " ~ idName ~ ToString!(id) ~ ";");

    class A
        int x;
    class B : A
        int y;
        void foo() {}
        template Bar() {}

        mixin UniqueAlias!("x", "m");
        mixin UniqueAlias!("y", "m");
        mixin UniqueAlias!("x", "m");
        mixin UniqueAlias!("foo", "m");
        mixin UniqueAlias!("Bar", "m");

    auto s = new B;
    s.m0 = 1;
    s.m1 = 2;
    assert(s.x == 1);
    assert(s.y == 2);
    assert(s.m2 == 1);
    alias B.m4!() bar;

>There are also little issues with this like how the name of the function, when
>debugging, won't be what you expect it to be.
>No, you can't use templates because you can't mixin functions with
>non-public protection with templates.
>  -- Daniel

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