Numpy Random Number Generators

Pablo Ripolles in-call at
Fri May 1 11:50:48 PDT 2009

dsimcha Wrote:

> == Quote from Andrei Alexandrescu (SeeWebsiteForEmail at's article
> > dsimcha wrote:
> > > I've ported a large portion of the Numpy random number generation library to
> > > D.  (I excluded the uniform random number generators because Phobos and Tango
> > > already have good implementations of these, and a few distributions because
> > > they were obscure and hard to test properly.  I may add the obscure
> > > probability distributions later.)
> > >
> > > The results appear pretty good  (I added unit tests that make sure the results
> > > are sane while I was at it).
> > >
> > > The module is licensed under the BSD license.  The code is available at:
> > >
> > >
> > > Docs are at
> > > although there's not much there.  If you understand the probability
> > > distribution you're trying to sample from, it's pretty self-explanatory.  If
> > > not, a little bit of ddoc isn't going to help, and Wikipedia is probably a
> > > better choice.
> > >
> > These look great. Could I convince you to contribute them to Phobos?
> > Andrei
> I would certainly be willing to grant permission for these to be included in
> Phobos.  The only problem is the original code that I ported is BSD licensed,
> meaning you have to include all the relevant disclaimers.

Hello, I might be wrong but, as far as I know, the licenses apply to code and not to algorithms. That is, once you jump out of the original implementation (the original codes are not in d) and you re-implement the algorithms in another language (in this case d) the work is not, properly speaking, a derived work. I insist, I'm not a lawyer and I'm not 100% sure but that could be checked.


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