Split digitalmars.D newsgroup into .D and .D2 newsgroups?

Georg Wrede georg.wrede at iki.fi
Wed May 13 09:24:29 PDT 2009

BLS wrote:
> F.I. I am in contact with airbus industries since 2.5 years and I can 
> assure you they have an eye on D.

It'd be nice if some of them came to this NG.

(FWIW, I'd sure prefer to fly with ADA or D, than with C.) :-)

I'd love if they did some tests (like a test application) with D, ADA 
and some other language, and then look at the number of bugs, how long 
it took to write, etc.

They might also have some ideas about robust programming, that we 
haven't yet discussed here.

More generally, I'd love to see some of our NG celebrities get invited 
to mega corporations to give joint presentations of D.

(Pipe dreaming: Oracle, Google, Airbus, General Electric, Boeing, NASA, 
could jointly pay for three guys to offload a lot of tedium from Walter 
&co's back.)

(More pipe dreaming: to have a non-profit organisation that maintains a 
proper web site for D with paid staff (equals proper management), makes 
some industrial level documentation, and takes care of promoting D in 
various industries.)

Heck, for this dreaming I don't even need controlled substances!

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