Descent 0.5.5 released

Ary Borenszweig ary at
Mon May 18 13:08:09 PDT 2009

The Descent plugin for Eclipse provides an IDE for writing, launching 
and debugging code in D.

Explanations on how to get it from within Eclipse are here:

For this release Robert Fraser made an excelent addition: when compiling 
programs using an external tool such as dsss, rebuild, dmd, gdc, ldc, 
gdmd or bud, there are now links to the files in the console output for 
warnings and errors. I think this one was pretty requested. So say 
thanks to him! :-)

(here's a screenshot in case no one understood my poor English: :-P)

This release has also some enhancements/bug-fixes:
  - #168: Don't expand template arguments
  - #169: Don't expand default arguments
  - #82: switch/case auto-indent (not formatter)
  - "Run as D application" should appear most of the time in correct 
places, as requested in the forums.

Any suggestion, critic or bug report is welcome. You can use:
- the forums:
- trac:
- irc: at freenode, #d.descent


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