
Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Fri May 22 12:53:37 PDT 2009

"Daniel Keep" <daniel.keep.lists at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:gv6ddk$1kon$1 at digitalmars.com...
> grauzone wrote:
>> Saaa wrote:
>>> "grauzone" <none at example.net> wrote in message
>>> news:gv4p44$1jq7$1 at digitalmars.com...
>>>> Ary Borenszweig wrote:
>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtYCFVPfx4M
>>>> How about posting a link to something everyone can play? Like an
>>>> actual video file?
>>>> Thank you.
>>> Isn't youtube a video upload site with an inbuilt player?
>> Yes, but it requires Flash and an unholy amount of AJAX.
>> No one can be bothered with installing Flash and having a JavaScript
>> enabled browser, when something like mplayer would be enough. Especially
>> if the media player works _much_better_.
> Obviously the large number of people using such sites are trying to
> prove you wrong.  :P
> To be fair, the alternatives aren't much better.  Embedding a WMV or MOV
> is even more annoying, and Java's just a tremendous pain in the arse.
> It'd be nice if the current efforts to standardise <video> in HTML5
> could do away with Flash video et al, but I'm not holding my breath on 
> that.
>>> download youtube video
>> Can't see a download button anywhere on YouTube. Obviously, Google
>> forces users to install Flash.
> Possessing a burning hatred of Flash isn't going to get everyone else to
> stop using it.  If that worked, we'd have killed off IE6 years ago.
> Either build a better system and get it installed on >90% of the world's
> PCs or learn to live with it.  :P

Ok, so there's a lot retarded lemmings running around believing youtube 
isn't an absolute abomination to the web. And people like us who ARE capable 
of knowing better have a responsibility do whatever we can (even if it's 
nothing more than complain) to NOT help encourage such F%^& stupidity. 
Bottom line is, Flash (ok, at least most uses of it, not all), and 
especially flash-embedded video, needs to die. Throwing our hands into the 
air and exclaiming "Gee, it's too hard to make that happen!" and blindly 
joining the masses of lemmings has got to be the absolute stupidest most 
self-defeating and downright irresponsible response to such a situation I've 
ever seen.

"Enron/MS/Apple/whatever is screwing us over! Let's just shut up and learn 
to live with it!"

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