
Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Sat May 23 12:14:37 PDT 2009

"BCS" <none at anon.com> wrote in message 
news:a6268ff63ac8cba9af2cc64950 at news.digitalmars.com...
> Hello Nick,
>> Plus, supporting a shit-but-widespead option severly hinders the
>> chances of something better from getting started or getting widely
>> adopted.
> chicken and egg. Until something better comes along, people who *need* to 
> run video in a web page right now will use youtube and flash because it 
> works. Yeah, it might suck, but what else /can/ they do?

It's difficult to imagine that that's something that anyone would actually 
*need*, but what they can do is additionally provide a non-youtube/flash 
version. Which should be really f^&*^&* easy since they had to have already 
had one in order to upload it to craptube in the first place. 

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