OT: Flash and Javascript (Was: Taunting)

Saaa empty at needmail.com
Sun May 24 13:30:01 PDT 2009

> I'm starting to get the impression that you just have a _really slow
> Javascript interpreter_ in your browser.  I have no idea what you're
> talking about with text input lag.  I have never experienced that.
> And the Tango API opens in about 2 seconds with JS enabled for me.
> What browser are you *using*?

I have the same problem with the tango website an sich.
Goint to http://www.dsource.org/projects/ gives me a 5 to 10 second lag 
between showing 'loading projects' and actually showing them.
Latest FF
The tango website is the slowest website I know, so I think it is an 
exceptionally bad example for showing js being slow as I know a lot of 
websites which use loads more of web 2.o stuff and show up in less than a 

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