ldc 0.9.1 released

Frits van Bommel fvbommel at REMwOVExCAPSs.nl
Wed May 27 12:32:20 PDT 2009

Robert Clipsham wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> Great! Quick question - are you supporting or considering supporting 
>> D2? I looked on the project's home page and couldn't find that 
>> information. There's mention of druntime for D2 which makes me hopeful.
>> Thanks,
>> Andrei
> D2 support in LDC has been started, but it does not have any of D2's 
> features implemented. I believe all that has been done is the frontend 
> added. Last time I checked ldc + d2 would not compile.
> I believe that the plan is to make D1 solid (more so than DMD), before 
> moving on to D2. One of the developers might be able to give a more 
> accurate status.

That's pretty accurate, actually.

A while back somebody sent in a patch to get D2 support working, but by the time 
it got properly reviewed it was already outdated...

The main problem on this front is that nobody currently working on LDC is 
particularly interested in D2.

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