ldc 0.9.1 released

Christian Kamm kamm-incasoftware at removethis.de
Fri May 29 10:28:00 PDT 2009

Timo Gransch wrote:
> Christian Kamm schrieb:
>> but I am using a debug runtime. Does inserting a breakpoint in
>> your code and running to that work?
> Back on x86-64 again:
> (gdb) break main
> Breakpoint 1 at 0x409150

Since there's main and _Dmain and I don't know how the GDB patches interact 
with breakpoint setting, can you try to make a breakpoint on the first line 
of your D main function (i.e. b myfile.d:15) and run to that?

I'm now also subscribed to D.debugger and saw your post there. Let's move 
the discussion.

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