Progopedia - encyclopedia of programming languages

Anders F Björklund afb at
Tue Nov 24 11:40:02 PST 2009

JMRyan wrote:

> I don't understand.  You appear to be referring a connonical or otherwise 
> previously publish version fo D.  Or perhaps I misunderstood you.

I meant the canonical samples/d/hello.d as in the DMD distributions.

> I didn't use writeln() because it is not available in D1.  I added a note 
> about that.  Looking at other examples on Progopedia, it seems that puts() 
> is beyond the scope of the article.

Probably right. Same goes for adding Tango, quickly gets complicated.

>> And of course it makes a couple of assumptions such as the
>> terminal being in UTF-8. But I guess that's a Windows issue ?
> Actually, it makes a much safer assumption, namely that, whatever character 
> set the terminal uses, it' ASCII compatible.  I suppose it might have some 
> trouble with an EBCDIC terminal.  I suppose that's a good thing. :-)  More 
> troubling, I'm assuming the terminal is not UTF-16 or UTF-32.  Worrying 
> about this seems to be beyond the scope of the Progopedia article.

If one is echoing parameters back (which normal "hello" is not),
then there was a D problem with terminals that are not UTF-8:

# such as ISO-8859-1:
$ ./echo hallå världen
Error: 4invalid UTF-8 sequence

But it doesn't apply to this Progopedia "hello" but only to the
D "hello", so never mind me muddying up the waters in this thread.


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