dmd 1.058 and 2.043 release

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Fri Apr 9 13:07:19 PDT 2010

Walter Bright:

Thank you for your answer.

> The error is not a mismatched file name, which is perfectly legitimate in D.

Do you mean that in D it is OK to have a file named "foo.d" with inside it at the top written "module bar;" ?
What's the rationale behind this? (I don't like this).

>The error is two different files have the same module name.<

Maybe I am missing something, but:
- there is a module "bar" in the file named "foo.d"
- and there is the module "test" in the file named "spam.d".
All four names are distinct, there are no name duplication (and the imports can't change this basic fact).


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