I made std.time for Phobos, please review my code.

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.com
Tue Apr 27 07:24:25 PDT 2010

On 2010-04-27 07:22:12 -0400, SHOO <zan77137 at nifty.com> said:

> Thanks to your response.
> I think that handling DST is necessary too.
> But I am unfamiliar about DST so that people of the Ascii character
> string zone are unfamiliar about multi-byte character string.
> (I live in Japan which does not use DST.)
> I may not exactly recognize bugs even if I implemented it.
> I want to leave the implementation to other people who knows DST well.

The problem with DST (and time zones in general) is that it's subject 
to change. DST dates were changed a couple of years ago here in Canada 
and in the United States; operating system vendors made a patch for 
this and things went smoothy (for the most part) for applications using 
the OS to know about DST. This can get more complicated though: for 
Israel (post 2005) you'll need to follow the hebrew calendar[1], and 
before 2005 it's mostly arbitrary.

I think timezones and DST management are better left to the OS. What is 
most important to have is a way to convert local dates and times to UTC 
and the reverse, and to determine the local UTC offset for a given 
time. I'd leave the rest to other libraries, or OS-specific APIs.

[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Summer_Time

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com

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