I made std.time for Phobos, please review my code.

SHOO zan77137 at nifty.com
Tue Apr 27 09:54:05 PDT 2010

bearophile さんは書きました:
> Steven Schveighoffer:
>> I like what you've done.  It's very similar to what was done in Tango.  I  
>> hate to ask this, but I just want to verify that you did not base your  
>> code on Tango, especially since you have used Tango.
> In D2 the runtime of Phobos and Tango have being merged, so all D programmers can install both libs. So the two libs must have distinct contents.
> So I'm for removing the time module from Phobos, and keep only the Tango one. So this module is waste of time, and efforts have to be redirected in improving or rewriting the time module of Tango.
> Othrwise in D2 it will happen the same mess it's happend in D1, where you have two partially duplicated libs. All D2 programmers will want to install both libs, and they will not desire to choose what time lib to use. One time lit is enough.
> Bye,
> bearophile

You are right. However, I cannot follow the most recent version of D as
far as unfortunately I am going to use Tango.

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